School Chess Club Registrations 2024-25
REGISTRATION for MOST SCHOOL CHESS CLUBS! NOT for BSSD registrations. See school fliers for individual dates. Sibling discount is available. Please add first student to cart at full price and then add additional siblings at half price. Then pay for all students at once. You will receive a registration email AND a PayPal receipt showing payment. If you have any registration problems, please email Yvonne at or text 8163827009.

PayPal Logo Instructions: Fill out form below, then click "REGISTER PLAYER" to add a registration to your PayPal* shopping cart. You can register more than one player for this tournament and/or register for multiple tournaments (if available) with one payment.
*A PayPal Account is NOT required to use PayPal!

(For Online Tournaments)
(With area code, no dashes. Used For Pairing Notifications, Emergencies, etc. - No Ads!)

[Data Required for
Players Under Age 18]

Parent/Guardian Name:
Date of Birth :    (MM/DD/YYYY)

Chess Express Ratings:

If you have ever been rated by Chess Express, please enter your entire ID# (including hyphenated letter) here.  Click here to look up at CXR site.

IMPORTANT! Once you press the Register Player button YOU CANNOT make additional changes, as this will impact your ability to pay directly online. Wait to complete your payment, and then submit changes to the TD.

If you have any technical issues filling out this form or you need to have changes made after registration, please contact the Event Director.